Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lollita In Underwear What Is A Good Apology To Your BFF?

What is a good apology to your BFF? - lollita in underwear

Well, a few days ago, my BFF told me at Bou Lollita and everything. And I really liked it because I thought it was rubbish and told me he was gay. And he angrily and said he was not BFFS more friends and more. But I always want to be your BFF, which would make a good excuse? I would be happy really, if you can make a good excuse.


Anicole said...


Anna said...

ur ur a friend who was also the view I hate it when that happens, do not worry my friends always ur friend from probably only said that to make u mad or anything if U Want to apologize for his words

"I feel if I said I was gay, I knew it would offend the underground was, in my opinion, I'm sorry if I hurt ur feelings still want to be ur friend"

LOL something idk

Hope this helps!

ⓦhitney惄 said...

everything comes from the heart.
must make on your own, you can come up with the perfect excuse.
if it is really your best friend will be accepted if they have an honest attempt.
I hope to help you.

Mark said...

Why friends agree on everything, the difference being that God is what its all about. Explain your position and agree or disagree. Not sure what the issue is it? About Lollita Bou

☮ Grace! ☮ ▀▄▀▄▀ said...

Uhh say this because you BFFS you do not love the same things.
I bet there are things that you do not like it ...

Belly Jeans said...

Type. Really?

rachieca... said...

wtf are you talking about.

rachieca... said...

wtf are you talking about.

rachieca... said...

wtf are you talking about.

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